If you are dedicated, want to train hard, improve your game and hope to play in Tour this summer or other foreign tournaments, we want you!
LMS start training again for 2011 this Monday and we're also using this opportunity to get new players involved with the club!
When: Monday, 10th January
Where: Clontarf astro pitches (I can't believe its not grass-runners or boots will do)
Time: 8.30pm sharp (so we are warmed up and ready to take pitch at 9 until 10)
What to bring: usuals- warm clothes, waterproofs, runners for the warm up, white and dark jersey, plenty of water and a disc!
Payment: 3 euro per person (depending on numbers)
The link to the pitches is here:
Winning the Huck of the Irish and coming second in Bologna's women's division were just some of LMS's achievements in its first year. Travelling and competing in Bruges, Tour and not to mention winning international games at the World Club Championships in Prague, LMS has grown so much in the past year. And our kit is very pretty as well!

If you are interested, just come along and see what we are about! Even if you don't want to try out, or unsure, you are very welcome.
Hope to see some new faces there on Monday!
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