Below are events, practices, and our tentative plans for the upcoming season, as well as some details of what we've been up to in the past. If you're interested in playing with us, come and chat to us about the team at any of these events, and come along to any of our open events you might be interested in, or contact us!
Coming Up:
2011 -- Jan: LMS Training and trials, Monday nights! Clontarf Rugby pitches!
2011-- Feb/June: LMS training - Monday nights Clontarf Rugby pitches!
2011-- May/June: LMS goes to Tour: we plan on playing Tour 1 & 2 in the 2011 season. Other tournaments may be added to the schedule later if there's enough interest!
Done and Dusted:
2010 -- Nov/Dec: Women's Indoor Training. Unfortunately had to cancel many of these due to the snow
2010 -- Nov: End of season Hoopla. Read the blog post for more!
2010 -- Oct -- 16,17: Bologna Tournament We finished 2nd! woop!
2010 -- Oct -- 11: Winter league/game: 8:30-10pm at the Clontarf Rugby pitches!
2010 -- Oct -- 4: LMS open training: 8:30-10pm at the Clontarf Rugby pitches!
2010 -- Oct -- 2: LMS goes to the IFDA AGM and Ball.
2010 -- Oct -- 3: LMS goes to the All-Ireland overall championships
2010 -- Sep -- 27: AGM
2010 -- Sep -- 25,26: Huck of the Irish: WINNERS!